What Is Laminated Film Recycling?

Laminated Film for Food Packaging
Laminated film is a flexible packaging material consisting of two or more layers of different materials bonded together by adhesives, heat or pressure. The constituent materials of laminated films can include plastics (e.g. BOPP、HDPE、LDPE、LLPDE EVA), paper, aluminum foils, and so on. Such materials are recyclable.
Laminated films are widely used to package snacks, dairy products, ready-to-eat meals, frozen foods baked goods and more. The bags provide moisture, oxygen and humidity barrier to keep the food fresh, while the printed design on the outer plastic film can attract consumers to buy.
Laminated Film Recycling
Since laminated films are made up of a combination of different materials, it is first necessary to separate the different material layers. In addition, laminated films can be contaminated with food residues, grease, etc. during use, and these contaminants can make the recycling process more difficult and affect the quality of the final recycled material.
Recycling Machines for Multi-Layer Plastic Sheet

The laminated film can also be called multi-layer plastic sheets Efficient’s high-efficiency plastic recycling machine is designed for recycling and pelletizing of laminated film scrap. The newly designed film cutting machine has specialized blade enhancements for laminated films, which are more difficult to cut and compact than regular PE films and can easily shred multi-layer plastic sheets.
High-quality pellets made from laminated materials have a high economic value and can be reused in production lines, and the Efficient film pelletizing machine‘s screw has been carefully designed to efficiently process laminated, metalized and fully printed film scrap.